Thursday, December 30, 2010

Project Joy 365 - Share the Joy - GIVE AWAY FINISHED!! :)


One of the things I want to focus on for Project Joy is 'sharing' joy. That is, being intentional about finding ways to give to others things that might bring them joy! Things like a home cooked meal, a phone call, a random gift, etc. Today, I have some give-aways that I hope will bring someone else JOY!

There was a season in my life when sewing and quilting brought me much joy. Since having children and discovering digital scrapbooking, that season has passed. It is time for several projects from my closet to surface and find a new home, where they will be put to good use and put a smile on someone's face!!

If you would like any of these, simply comment below the photo of the item on facebook by Midnight EST January 4th. (Each photo is clickable and will take you to my facebook page where you can comment) I will draw random 'winners' for each item on January 5th and ship them to their new owners! (Due to the expense of shipping, I need to restrict this to US friends only please!) Comment on as many as you wish!!

I 'think' I set my facebook permissions so that anyone can see and comment on the photos. If you have any troubles, please let me know!!

There is joy in sharing. There is joy in decluttering. There is joy in being able to 'walk' in your walk in storage closet! LOL! Have a blessed day!

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